People are our business

Truth Monkey Consulting offers confidential Leadership and Transformational Change services.

Our action-based solutions and strategies enable Chief Executives, Chairs and Boards to address the challenges they face, and deliver sustainable success .

We are your Trusted Adviser.

What we do

Interim Leadership Solutions

We provide a range of interim leadership solutions from providing interim CEOs and senior operational leadership, through to crisis management, helping with both the media handling and the operational management and recovery in the immediacy of a crisis.

Business and Organisation Transformation

We specialise in Business turnaround. Both through internal structural and cultural change to create higher performing teams and through improving the commercial success of organisations. Reviewing and helping organisations be the best they can be

Customer and Employee Insights

We help business and organisations to understand their employees, customers, visitors and stakeholders better. We deliver transformational insight to help inform strategic developments and improve operational performance


Client Confidentiality is a Cornerstone of Our Trusted Adviser Status