Truth Monkey Interim Leadership Solutions

Interim Leadership Solutions

We provide a range of interim leadership solutions; from providing interim CEOs and senior operational leadership, through to crisis management helping with both the media handling and the operational management and recovery in the immediacy of a crisis.

We provide clients with the tools to fill critical executive skills gaps during times of change, crisis and growth. Helping to ensure that organisations have access to the full complement of talent they need.

Whether facilitating organisational change, overseeing vital projects, or temporarily filling a key executive Board-Level position. We deliver effective interim management and independent consultancy focused on problem resolution, operational and strategic advancement, leaving a legacy of improvement. 

With extensive experience in crisis management, we can also support leaders through the challenges confronting their business - providing effective public and media management, as well as operational and security responses. We can stress-test organisational resilience; facilitate live and desk-top exercises; and help to develop business continuity plans.  

We can also provide ‘positive’ challenge and disruption, if required! Helping challenge the status quo and organisational complacency; to ensure organisations have the resilience, agility and capability to weather storms or seize the winds of opportunity.    

We act as a ‘trusted adviser’ to Chairs, Boards and CEOs helping to act as that vital sanity check or independent reviewer of ideas, strategies, and performance.